
Building specifications:
Two story collonades with 136 Pillars
- Circumference: approx. 803m
- Heigth: 16,37m, 21,26m at the attic (roof edge)
- Depth below ground level:: 15m (pitch), 17,40m (level -4 Atrium)
- Opening at Marathon Gate: 24,65m at its narrowest spot)
- Width North-South:: 230,73m
- Length East-West: 304,26m
- Infield: Width 116,11m, Length 189,97m
Roof construction
Total roof area: ca. 42.000m²
- Upper roof membrane: approx. 27.000m², distributed to 77 sectors
- Lower roof membrane: approx. 28.000m²
- Glass surface: 6006m²
Material: PTFE-coated glass fiber (PTFE: Polytetrafluorethylen)
Roof width: approx. 68m
Distance roof to infield: 39,99m
Roof weight: ca. 3.500t
Number of steel posts inside seating area: 20 with the distance between posts ranging from 32 to 40m and a length of 8,50m
Diameter: bifurcation 35cm, pedestal 26cm
Number of outside posts: 132
Binders: 76
Material: Steel St 52 and St 37

- Stadium: 56.616m²
- Osttor Plaza: 7.729m²
- Südtor Plaza: 3.238m²
- Swimming Pool Plaza: 2.797m²
- Maifeld Plaza: 4.326m²
- Path around stadium: 3.727m² (inside driving lane around stadium)
- Südtor parking area (PO Süd): 4.533m²

Lighting Concept
- Manufacturer: Lanz Manufaktur Germany GmbH
- Installation: november 2019 until december 2020
- full-colour floodlighting (first in a stadium) with the innovative reflector technology
- plus unique, coloured architectural lighting
- Total number: approx. 10,500 LED single luminaires
- Floodlighting with 2,300 lux vertical illumination (comparison: previously approx. 1,300 lux)
- Energy savings of around 50%
- CO² savings of around 142 tonnes per year
- lighting system complies with and exceeds the requirements of the UEFA, DFL, national and international athletics federations
Video walls
- Manufacturer: Expromo
- Completition: Juni 2018
Video wall east:
- Pixel pitch: 10 mm
- Size: 137,28m² (15,6m x 8,8m)
- Format: 16:9
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Pixel
- Power input: max. 41.000 Watt
- Brightness: 7000 nit
Video wall south:
- Pixel pitch: 10 mm
- Size: 81,6m² (12m x 6,8m)
- Format: 16:9
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Pixel
- Power input: max. 24.300 Watt
- Brightness: 7000 nit
video wall north:
- Pixel pitch: 10 mm
- Size: 81,6m² (12m x 6,8m)
- Format: 16:9
- Resolution: 1920 x 1080 Pixel
- Power input: max. 24.300 Watt
- Brightness: 7000 nit
- Manufacturer: Electrovoice
- Completition: August 2018
- 19 loudspeaker panels with a total of 180 loudspeakers (EV XLCLinearray)
- 64 Power amplifier
- Upgrade from analogue to digital amplifier technology
- Energy saving 50 %
- 112dB maximum sound level, 150,000 watts

Sanitary areas in the Lower Tier:
- Men: 176 Urinals, 44 WC
- Women: 121 WC
- Handicap accessible: 4 WC
Sanitary areas in the Upper Tier:
- Men: 184 Urinals, 30 WC
- Women: 96 WC
Outer areas:
- Men: 96 Urinals, 12 WC
- Women: 20 WC

Lower Tier:
- 12 Kiosks
- 1 Restaurant
Upper Tier:
- 12 Kiosks
Outer areas:
- 12 mobile Kioskes (minimum)
Kiosks for Merchandising:
- one at the Südtor Plaza and one at the Osttor Plaz

“Location Award 2014 – first place category: Stadiums, Arenas and Multi-function-halls”
“FM-Efficiency-Award 2013”
“Location Award 2014 – second place category: Major Events”
“BDA-Architecture-award “Nike” 2007 category:” best ambience” Olympiastadion Berlin”
“red dot Award 2007: Chapel inside the Olympiastadion Berlin”
“iF Gold Award: Chapel inside the Olympiastadion Berlin”
“IPC/IAKS Special-award 2007”
“IOC/IAKS Award in Gold 2007”
“Architecture-Award Berlin 2006, Award: Olympiastadion Berlin”
“German Architecture-Award 2005, Recognition – Olympiastadion Berlin – Modification, Resoration and Roof-construction”
“Light-Architecture-Award 2005 – Olympiastadion Berlin – Modification, Restoration and Roof construction”
“German Steel Building Award 2004: Olympiastadion Berlin”